Sunday, August 4, 2013

Book: "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson . . .

  This great little book from 2005 is just over one hundred and fifty pages and has the subtitle of, “Secret to a Successful Life”. It’s in the self-help category. On the back cover it says that this book is for you if you are looking for one missing thing in life that would help you achieve your desired goal, realize a long-held dream, or push you up the ladder to success.

  Health, finances, personal relationships, family life, etc… it’s really all about your daily choices. This book gives you the ‘slight edge’ for creating a personal philosophy that will in turn give you the winning attitude, the one edge that will allow you to win what you desire in your life.

  But you must remember that this edge can also just as easily work against you. Many examples to this edge are offered in cute little stories and fables, like “The Two Frogs in a Milk Can” story, that show us how this edge is right in front of us. It will work if we will only put forth a simple but daily effort. To learn more about the frogs just go to the bookstore and turn to page eight.

  Without going into details that would tell too much of the story, the ‘Slight Edge’ is the wisdom and habits of thought and action. It’s really simple, but also your choice. Would you want a million dollars in cash now, or a penny that doubled every day for a month? The second way gives very little until after twenty days. After thirty days you’ll have just over the ten million dollars ($10,737,418.24). It’s about the power of compounding, the way your daily efforts will multiply and grow until the successful payoff. This only comes from your small, but simple and repeatable actions.

  You may ask, “What is the first step?” It requires new thinking… not about the actions to take. What you really need is the correct information, and then the desire to apply it. Most people fail because they stop the doing… they don’t learn from mistakes. Like Babe Ruth’s strike out count on his way to becoming the home run king or the number of elections Abe Lincoln lost before he ran for President. Failure is an opportunity to learn. 

“I have not failed. I have simply discovered ten
thousand ways that don’t work.” – Thomas Edison

  This ‘Slight Edge’ is a truly simple concept, but it is the missing ingredient that we can use to succeed. As it is said, that if it were easy everyone would be doing it and we would all have our dreams coming true. If you are serious about a dream or vision for your future, then spend the $12.95 and go buy this book today. I am sure that you will be happy that you didn’t wait . . . and remember that ‘time’ is the most powerful force for change.



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