Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's Still Shadow . . .

Twenty-One - 6/26/38 - Blind Beggar Dies:

  Man-O-Man… How I Love these Old-Time Radio Shows !! I enjoy them so much that I can’t promise I’ll be able to write anything worthy of my Three-Reader Audience and before it starts I want to apologize, in case it’s a No-Thought-Popper.

  It begins with a street singer named Singing Jim being hassled by a couple men who claim Jim didn’t pay for protection. They drag him into an ally, and pound him with a Blackjack a few times while reminding him that he owes one dollar a week or face worse. He’s found the next day barely alive and Lamont and Margo help Jim to the hospital. Jim is so afraid that he can’t even tell Lamont who beat him. He screams, “Leave me alone, I can’t pay,” and then dies in front of Lamont and Margo.

  At a secret rally of the local street vendors, they all argue about what to do. There’s one thing they can all agree on, that they can’t expect any help from the police. Then Mary, the Apple Lady, tells the group of a secret visitor she had the night before. One that those who can ‘see’ will not agree he even exists. Someone that said he would come to this meeting tonight and help them all… (Cue the Shadow’s laughter!) “Don’t be afraid, it’s the me, the Shadow, and I’ve come here to help you!”

  The Protection Racket is one of the most evil of all criminal enterprises… but, We-the-People get our great ‘strength’ from the numbers. Think how easy it is to break a single pencil. Then how easy/hard it might be with ten, or twenty pencils.

  Can you (my three loyal readers) think of any ‘modern’ examples of how or when people have come together (like in this episode) to become more powerful against an oppressor? If so, we could have a vibrant discussion in the comment section below… 

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Twenty-Two - 7/10/38 - The White God:

  G-O-O-D-R-I-C-H that spells ‘Moon’ . . . have you ever read Stephen King’s “The Stand”? Oh well, just listening to the old tire commercial, where the announcer actually spells the name *smiles* before the show starts and the mind’s already wandering . . .

  At a meeting, a group inquires about tracing a missing yacht, to clear up a mystery of the South Pacific. When the Shadow shows up (earliest in an episode yet) to offer assistance. The Shadow supposes that if he, continuously disguised as the Shadow, and his companion Miss Margo Lane, ride out on a Naval cruiser he will be able to prove his theory that the ships were actually built to disappear.

  Shadow thinks they should travel off the cruiser, by a sea plain, to an island that he’s heard about. Where there is a man known by the natives only as the ‘White God’. As they get near the island the plain lurches and flies erratically. It’s almost as if the plain is being drawn in… by a huge magnet. On the way in, Shadow noticed a circular hole in a volcano and says, “It must be man-made magnet that pulls ships to their destruction.”

  Case solved, good night . . . oh wait, it’s only been ten minutes. They’ve still got at least eighteen more minutes to fill. What was I thinking? Back to the show… Shadow and Margo found that just it’s a simple little trick with a hidden elevator that has the natives all believing he’s the White God.

  How many people in America today think that some of our leaders are god-like? That can do no wrong? Can pass laws and shove more crap we don’t need down our collective throats. Take vacations at our expense. Play golf and then make back door deals. Limousine rides to a free lunch every day. Then these legislators get away with saying, “Have a good weekend” to their buddies and it’s only Wednesday. Then after just one term, they get a full retirement package, medical benefits, and return home a millionaire.

  Without getting too politically in my statement, I believe that most politicians and the mainstream media have pulled one over on the American public. I have thought about this idea for quite some time now. Consider that the People are caught up in emotional problems that are the eleven through twenty worst problems we face economically. These are then switched with the ‘true’ top ten. This causes everyone to get all excited over the more emotional (and now perceived top ten) problems, while the REAL top ten have been moved down the chart.

  As you can imagine, the real economic problems we face are not thought about much anymore. We all argue over social emotions and point fingers at each other. When our real economic problems get kicked down the road like an old rusty can. Our country stays ‘divided’ over issues that really don’t have much of an affect on our day-to-day lives. I think we should be coming together to solve these problems when it can still be painless to do so, and long before the economy completely brakes… If that happens we will still have to fix everything, but it will be long, difficult, and miserable. All because we lose all of our choices, and the measures enacted will be painful and drastic . . . Well, now I just say, “Enough said!”

In Rhythm,


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Book: “Success Is Just One Wish Away" by Jon Spoelstra ! !

   You’ll figure it out sooner or later that the books I review here (in my mind) are all fantastically terrific, and this little book from 1998 is no exception. You’ll find a rainbow-colored title and a cute subtitle that says, “Make just one wish and your life suddenly changes. Just make sure it’s the right one.” There is a great quote from Harvey Mackay on the cover as well.

  Now before I tell you why it’s such a cute little adventure parable, where the reader gets to learn information that is revealed to the main character as she/he completes a journey, I want to share how I came to have this book. Mom and Dad were out of town on their annual vacation to Myrtle Beach. One morning in a bookstore, drinking a bold-roast decaf coffee, my Dad had the bright idea to send me a twenty-dollar “tickle’ for coffee (as he likes to call it). But he usually lets Mom send all the family post cards, so his dilemma was how to sneak the $20 past her (my brother and two sisters all laugh at this because she 'always' knows anyway). My Dad just grabbed the first book with an interesting title he could find in the section where he happened to be when he got this great idea, and stuck that ‘twenty’ inside the cover (he also wrote me a very toughing note AND it happened to be Valentines Day). Then he walked to a near by post office and sent it before Mom even noticed that he was gone.

  I can tell you that… with this random choice to sneak me a ‘Coffee Tickle’… my father sent me one of the most profound books I have ever read !! And it contains a cute little story with a genie named Darrell, who wears an Armani suit, popping out of an aerosol can on an Oregon beach. I know what you’re thinking, and it’s true, not all genies are amazingly beautiful women dressed up in belly-dancer outfits.

  This story may be cute, but it packs a punch that knocks you off your feet and smacks you up-side-the-head before you can even stand back up. If you have ever considered the possibility of living a dream-come-true or to fulfill some calling… then this book just might be the one for you. I am sure you have heard of or know about work ethic. You know, the one that’s needed to succeed in this world. Have you ever heard of ‘Effective’ Work Ethic? Well, this genie named Darrell is the right person to show you. If you want to find out about that One Wish… then you’ll have to read the book.

  Please don’t be someone who waits on the dock-of-life for a ‘Ship of Opportunity’ to pull into port only for you. Get off your backside and jump right in… swim out there to meet that ship before it floats on past you one more time. Just go buy this book to learn how to be ‘effective’ at whatever you choose to do. There is no higher calling than to serve Man, and to work in service to the greater cause of humanity. Buy or borrow this book TODAY… and then go put on your swimsuit ! ! !

Ever Yours,


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More Sunday Drums . . .

  We had a great time last Sunday (8/11) playing some Heart Beat Rhythms and making up songs for each other. It was a small group this time, but we had a real blast listening to how it sounded . . . we screeched at the pigeons and howled at the new crescent (my favorite) moon. Below is a small sample of the Pics & Vids -or- you can just visit Jeff's site ! ! !

"He's Crazy"

"Pigeon Clouds 1"

In Rhythm,


Monday, August 12, 2013

Great Leadership Posts ! !

   I have recently come across a Blog on Leadership and Motivation for the School setting via a few mutual comments. I am requesting that my three readers go and check out the content on Michael Horton's Blog... OK, I'll wait here until you get back... Seriously . . . Go There NOW ! ! ! 

  Once there, you'll find fresh, inspiring posts on a wide variety of Leadership topics, including a book I have previously reviewed here in the Mad Mammal Files, "The Twelve Pillars" by Jim Rohn & Chris Widener. Plus a book that I will be reviewing in the distant future, "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge.  Also you will find the short video (see below) that has really caught my attention, "212 Degree Leadership" . . . I will be adding Michael's Leadership Blog to my list for following !! 

Thanks Michael, for Your Comments and Inspiration to Quest for More . . . 

Ever Yours,


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Book: "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson . . .

  This great little book from 2005 is just over one hundred and fifty pages and has the subtitle of, “Secret to a Successful Life”. It’s in the self-help category. On the back cover it says that this book is for you if you are looking for one missing thing in life that would help you achieve your desired goal, realize a long-held dream, or push you up the ladder to success.

  Health, finances, personal relationships, family life, etc… it’s really all about your daily choices. This book gives you the ‘slight edge’ for creating a personal philosophy that will in turn give you the winning attitude, the one edge that will allow you to win what you desire in your life.

  But you must remember that this edge can also just as easily work against you. Many examples to this edge are offered in cute little stories and fables, like “The Two Frogs in a Milk Can” story, that show us how this edge is right in front of us. It will work if we will only put forth a simple but daily effort. To learn more about the frogs just go to the bookstore and turn to page eight.

  Without going into details that would tell too much of the story, the ‘Slight Edge’ is the wisdom and habits of thought and action. It’s really simple, but also your choice. Would you want a million dollars in cash now, or a penny that doubled every day for a month? The second way gives very little until after twenty days. After thirty days you’ll have just over the ten million dollars ($10,737,418.24). It’s about the power of compounding, the way your daily efforts will multiply and grow until the successful payoff. This only comes from your small, but simple and repeatable actions.

  You may ask, “What is the first step?” It requires new thinking… not about the actions to take. What you really need is the correct information, and then the desire to apply it. Most people fail because they stop the doing… they don’t learn from mistakes. Like Babe Ruth’s strike out count on his way to becoming the home run king or the number of elections Abe Lincoln lost before he ran for President. Failure is an opportunity to learn. 

“I have not failed. I have simply discovered ten
thousand ways that don’t work.” – Thomas Edison

  This ‘Slight Edge’ is a truly simple concept, but it is the missing ingredient that we can use to succeed. As it is said, that if it were easy everyone would be doing it and we would all have our dreams coming true. If you are serious about a dream or vision for your future, then spend the $12.95 and go buy this book today. I am sure that you will be happy that you didn’t wait . . . and remember that ‘time’ is the most powerful force for change.



Saturday, August 3, 2013

Does Shadow Know ?!

Nineteen - 6/12/38 – Death from the Deep:

  “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” (Cue the evil laughter and the creepy organ music.)” Yea… More Shadow Episodes after a Goodrich tire commercial !! 

  Here I sit in our tremendous local library and watching the people interact. Some are reading newspapers, a boy is being tutored in math, laptops are glowing, the teen-center is quite active, others are chatting, and some are just people watching. 

  This episode starts out on board a boat with its engine faltering, when suddenly a submarine surfaces to blast them with a machine gun. Then we hear that recently eighteen ships from many different countries have all sunk. Any sailors that escaped their ship were found dead in their lifeboats along the shore. What could be the motive of these dastardly pirates? (Sounds like a Dudley Doright show.) Many sailors are now refusing to go out to sea and the economy is suffering from lowered shipping and tourism.

  Enter, the Shadow…

  Side Note: In the few weeks I’ve been a very regular visitor to our great little library… I can unequivocally (is that the right word?) say that I am so very grateful that I have a personal computer that’s mobile ! ! ! I have been watching those that use the Public Internet Computers that the library has set up. People are treating the computers and each other terrible here… coughing into their hands, popping pimples, picking noses, and a multitude of other gross bodily functions AND THEN placing their dirty or germ-covered hands all over the mouse(s) and keyboards !?!???? I can’t imagine why people would treat another person’s or the community’s property (and especially each other) with such laziness and mindless disrespect… Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ?!!

  Back to the Show, if I’m able, after watching the ‘Zit-Popper-Dude’ just grab a mouse with puss-covered hand…

  The plan was that after the one seaman clued-in the Shadow, he can locate the submarine and then contact Margo over the mind-to-radio frequency. Then Miss lane will contact the Coast Guard so they can zoom in and save the day. (Mr. Doright again!) “Contacting Margo Lane!… Contacting Margo Lane!... Do You Read Me Margo?”

  Well, not too much has popped into my head from listening to this episode that’s worthy of writing for my Three Readers… except all that about the Pimple Popping Madman… so I will leave just it here !?

  Until next time Shadow Seekers… when we meet again (cue an evil Shadow laughing). 

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Twenty - 6/19/38 – The Fire Bug:

    I’m up late night, and the rent for my second office (Tim Horton’s) is just a cup of coffee and maybe a doughnut… but tonight there are four jerks sitting here playing cards who are so loud I can barely hear this show with headphones on ??! Oh well, just another example of how people are lost in there own little world and oblivious to others around them.

  I often question people when I hear them complaining about others. I’ll ask, “Do you see all these things around you? The buildings, streets, cars, and lights, etc?” They usually say that they do, and I follow up with the statement, “Well, my friend, if it was just you living here, none of these things would exist…” If they don’t get my sarcasm, I explain further that because we live in a free society with others, maybe it would be best to accept some things that upset us or that we don’t agree with. So… I guess I will just have to ignore these card-players as best I can, and follow my own message. Also to try and not take it personal . . .

  This episode begins with another brutal fire burning at Fourth and Chestnut Streets. It’s the same story as the previous six fires… and now people are clamoring for the City Commissioner and Fire Chief’s jobs. Arsonists are some of the hardest criminals to catch as the evidence is usually burnt, and motives are extremely varied. Fires kill people, destroy property, and put first responders at risk.

  When the Shadow shows up at a secret meeting, he finds out that it’s an Insurance Broker responsible for all this death and destruction. This is an interesting show, but not much is popping into my mind… and being in the gray… matters !! (This is your brain, this is your brain on Internet... be careful of the Internet!)

  Until Next Time, try and remember that, “The weed of crime bares bitter fruit, crime does not pay… the Shadow knows (cue the evil laughter).”

Ever Your Humble Servant, and
In Rhythm, 

PS: I seem to be posting a large number of Shadow Notes, and even some Book Reviews, compared to the 'normal' commentary of a Mad Mammal... it's not because I don't have anything to say . . . but the timing of issues has to be right to write. I sincerely hope that my Three Readers will understand and continue with their much appreciated support ! ! ! 
