Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Book: "Twelve Pillars" A Novel by Jim Rohn & Chris Widener

  This short, 120 page book will allow you to learn the Twelve Pillars of Success and take your life to the next level . . . to be your best. These twelve lessons are timeless truths based on core principles of life and living. Not some vague content that will be impossible to implement. Learn to effectively create a ‘vision’ of what you can become, and live a life that you design.

  The story starts out with Michael Jones, down on luck and in a dead end job, having his car stop running on his way to a sales call. He is so far out of town that there's no cell phone signal. After walking around a bend in the road, he comes across a home right out of ‘Better Homes & Gardens’ with a huge gated entrance.

  Behind that gate was a chance encounter with a man who would help Michael start the process to change his life. But he has to know how to change himself first. Change begins with personal growth and moves on to living for health and wellness. These are tough lessons to learn when you’ve had many years of bad habits built up.

  I really enjoyed reading this book. Learning about these twelve pillars can help anyone succeed. As Michael learns about these steps, we, the reader, learn the lessons right along with him. If you’re not careful, you may just uncover a few secrets to rediscovering those dreams you once had. The visions you created as a young person with hopes for a bright future. All the plans that got put on hold or placed on the back burner when life’s events seemed to get in the way (college loans, car repairs, etc).

Quoting, “You cannot change your destination
overnight, but you can your direction overnight.”

“The major reason for setting a goal is for
what it makes of you to accomplish it.”

“Don’t join an easy crowd, you won’t grow. Go where
the expectations and demands to perform are high.”

  Along with steps to gaining better health, some topics covered in this story are: relationships, goals, time management, keeping the right people around you, why we need to learn-for-life, income relating to personal development, communication, leadership, and leaving a legacy. Can you really find a better list than that?

  I ‘highly’ recommend this book to anyone who wants to take his or her life to the next level . . . and beyond ! ! 

“The masses lead lives of quiet desperation and
go to their graves with the song still in them.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Ever Yours,

1 comment:

  1. This is a good book and an easy read. That's a great combination. I blogged about how this book applies to school principals here: http://motivationalschoolleadership.blogspot.com

